



Starting in September 2021, SCoG is running a training programme for teachers of an upper secondary school program, which focuses on understanding increasing societal complexity.

The goal of the education program is to help students:

  • Apply theoretical knowledge to practical problems and established societal challenges in line with the latest research

  • Feel comfortable when approaching complex societal challenges, which often lack clear solutions and where ownership of the problems is difficult to define. Perhaps they are even the subject of political games and power struggles in terms of the problem-solving privilege

  • Reflect on ideas and perspectives, and apply critical and creative thinking - but also develop their ability to take initiative and act with confidence when it comes to bringing forward and driving proposals for change

  • Develop their analytical ability in order to be able to evaluate new inputs and new perspectives in a changing world. In doing this, they will be more capable of changing problem formulations and have the potential to identify synergies and innovate

  • Train their own mental abilities in order to be able to analyse and understand new and different perspectives, some of which may be abstract, and apply them to their own observations and thinking



Staring in September 2021, SCoG, in collaboration with Hyper Island – and working within the framework of the Swedish Institute’s leadership program – is conducting its second online Master class program on governance of complex projects for leaders from five East-African countries.




During autumn 2020 and spring 2021, SCoG, in collaboration with Hyper Island – and working within the framework of the Swedish Institute’s leadership program - conducted an online training for participants from five countries in Eastern Europe.

Whilst the eight challenges explored within the programme covered a wide spectrum, they all had one thing in common: they were all complex and required active collaboration with those outside of their own organisation.

Based on the success of the first programme, SCoG, together with Hyper Island, is conducting its next online masterclass for leaders in East Africa starting in September, 2021 and ending in January 2022.

What people are saying.


“The program was a mind-shifting experience that not only opened new perspectives, but helped our team kickstart real tangible change in our organisation”

— Tanel Kärp

“Great, well-designed program that helps you transform an idea into reality. You can learn from experts, share your ideas with inspiring people, all in a great, supportive atmosphere”

— Malgorzata Slawinska

“The program is a great framework to reach your goals within your complex project – you are carried through the process with useful tools, well structured assignments as well as emphatic feedback and reflection sessions”

— Stella Runnel



Our recent feasibility study, which was funded by the Swedish Innovation Agency, Vinnova, Jonas Törnblom and Mats Tyrstrup, together with Professor Erik Berglöf (project manager) and former Auditor General Susanne Ackum, investigated the need for a Swedish educational and research institution that emphasises effective coordination of complex, cross-sectoral processes.

The conclusion? A need to build a centre for education and research on leadership and governance, with a focus on system understanding and perspective insight.

 Furthermore, the study highlighted the need to create new coordination and business models that prioritise leadership of complex, cross-sectoral collaborations.

The report in Swedish can be downloaded from: